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Why are WordPress users being assigned dummy address details when synced to WHMCS? Print

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When you synchronise your WordPress user database to WHMCS, WHMCS requires that certain fields be filled in to be able to capture them; these required fields include address and telephone number.

Due to WordPress not having this data we have had to input some dummy data for this particular situation.

If you would like the dummy data to not be filled in, you will need to adjust your WHMCS settings to mark these particular fields as not mandatory.

To do this, log in to your WHMCS Admin and follow these steps

1) Go to the Setup menu and click on General Settings
2) Go to the Other tab in General Settings
3) In the section labelled "Optional Client Profile Fields" tick Address 1, Address 2, City, State/Region, Postcode, Country and Phone Number
4) Scroll to the bottom of the page and click on "Save Changes"
5) Connect to your WordPress site via FTP
6) Browse to your wordpress folder
7) Browse to wp-content/plugins/whmcs-bridge-sso/
8) Rename connect.class.php to connect.class.php.bak
9) Rename to connect.class.php

Your sync will no longer enter in the dummy data.  

Note: In some instances WHMCS will still set the users country to your default country setting, regardless of blank values being passed to the API.

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