WHMCS shortcodes for WordPress

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Access the WHMCS Bridge WordPress shortcodes via our Pro plugin to output your WHMCS product information, domain registration forms, product links and more

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This login-link whmcsapi shortcode displays a link to the WHMCS client area, using the “logged-in” text if the user is already logged in, and the “logged-out” text if the user is not already logged in. The “class” attribute assigns that CSS class to the link (not required).

[whmcsapi call="login-link" class="css-login" logged-in="My Account" logged-out="Login"]

This cart-count whmcsapi shortcode outputs how many items are in the users cart. It will link to the checkout page when items are in the cart, or the product page if there are no items in the cart. You can use “prefix” and “suffix” to put text before and after the count of the items in the cart. Use the “empty” attribute for the text to display when the cart is empty. The “class” attribute assigns that CSS class to the link (not required).

[whmcsapi call="cart-count" class="css-cart-items" prefix="There are" suffix="products in your cart" empty="No items in your cart"]
No items in your cart

This cart-total whmcsapi shortcode outputs the total value of the users cart. It will link to the checkout page when items are in the cart, or the product page if there are no items in the cart. You can use “prefix” and “suffix” to put text before and after the cart total amount. Use the “empty” attribute for the text to display when the cart is empty. The “class” attribute assigns that CSS class to the link (not required).

[whmcsapi call="cart-total" class="css-total" prefix="Your cart total is" suffix="<br>Proceed to Checkout" empty="Your cart is empty!"]
Your cart is empty!

This domain-form whmcsapi shortcode outputs a domain registration form linked to your WHMCS.
“form-class” is the CSS class applied to the form (not required),
“form-id” is the HTML ID of the form (not required),
“input-class” is the CSS class applied to the text input box,
“input-id” is the HTML ID of the text input box (not required),
“input-placeholder” is the place holder text in the input box (not required),
“button-class” is the CSS class for the submit button (not required),
“button-id” is the HTML ID of the submit button (not required),
“button-value” is the text of the submit button (not required – defaults to “Search”)
“naked” can be set to “1” if you would like to point to your direct WHMCS URL and not the bridge.

[whmcsapi call="domain-form" form-class="domain-form" form-id="domain-lookup" input-class="domain-name" input-id="domain-name-field" input-placeholder="eg: yourdomain.com" button-class="btn" button-id="search-button" button-value="Register Domain"]

[whmcsapi call="domain-form"]

This product-url whmcsapi shortcode outputs the URL of your WHMCS Bridge product page. This can be used for link targets. You can pass a “pid” attribute to link to a specific product’s “Add to Cart” page. The “standard” attribute (not required) when set to 1 will use the non-pretty-permalink style of bridge links (not required), if you are using pretty-permalinks it will default to that style. The “naked” attribute when set to 1 will return the product/cart page to your direct WHMCS installation (bypassing the bridge)

[whmcsapi call="product-url"]

[whmcsapi call="product-url" pid="20"]

[whmcsapi call="product-url" pid="20" standard="1"]

[whmcsapi call="product-url" pid="20" naked="1"]

This bridge-url whmcsapi shortcode can be used to output the URL of any of your WHMCS and/or WHMCS Bridge pages. When used without additional attributes it will return your WHMCS bridge home URL.
“naked” when set to 1 will return your direct WHMCS URL
“page” can be any page on your WHMCS installation, when used without the “naked” attribute uses the bridge links, and combined with “naked” will link to your direct WHMCS.
“standard” will override your pretty-permalink setting and output the link in the non-pretty bridge format.

[whmcsapi call="bridge-url"]

[whmcsapi call="bridge-url" naked="1"]

[whmcsapi call="bridge-url" page="cart.php"]

[whmcsapi call="bridge-url" page="cart.php" standard="1"]

[whmcsapi call="bridge-url" page="cart.php" naked="1"]

This product-info whmcsapi shortcode will display details of any product in your WHMCS.
“pid” specifies the product ID in WHMCS
“var” specifies which attribute of the product you want to display, either “name”, “description” or “price.

[whmcsapi call="product-info" pid="20" var="name"]
WHMCS Bridge Pro for WordPress (Subscription license)

[whmcsapi call="product-info" pid="20" var="description"]
This plugin is an extension to the WHMCS Bridge plugin. It's main feature is the single sign-on capability. Thanks to the single sign-on feature, your customers can sign in once on your site and comment on your blog postings, share information with their peers, order hosting plans and pay their bills.

When using “price” there are additional optional attributes
“option” is which billing cycle to display, defaults to “monthly”, but can use any of the following: monthly, quarterly, semiannually, annually, biennially, triennially, msetupfee, qsetupfee, ssetupfee, asetupfee, bsetupfee, tsetupfee
“currency” specifies which currency prices you want to show (the currency code specified in your WHMCS)
“prefix” specifies whether or not you want the WHMCS configured currency prefix before the price.
“suffix” specifies whether or not you want the WHMCS configured currency suffix after the price.

[whmcsapi call="product-info" pid="20" var="price" option="semiannually" currency="usd"]

[whmcsapi call="product-info" pid="20" var="price" option="semiannually" currency="usd" prefix="1"]

[whmcsapi call="product-info" pid="20" var="price" option="semiannually" currency="usd" suffix="1"]
29.95 USD

[whmcsapi call="product-info" pid="20" var="price" option="semiannually" currency="usd" prefix="1" suffix="1"]
$29.95 USD

The product-info option has two additional, optional parameters if you’d like to change the number format of the prices:
eg: decimal=”.” and thousands-separator=”,”
Note: thousands-separator will only work if decimal is also defined.

[whmcsapi call="product-info" pid="20" var="price" option="semiannually" currency="usd" prefix="1" suffix="1" decimal=","]
$29,95 USD

[whmcsapi call="product-info" pid="200" var="price" option="semiannually" currency="usd" prefix="1" suffix="1" decimal="." thousands-separator=","] $2,000.00 USD

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