WHMCS Bridge 5.4 Released
Wednesday, 8th May, 2019
With the release of version 5.4 we have a number of changes (Pro and Free), included in both releases are the following
- "Check for problems with my setup" has been updated with a number of additional checks, including:
- Detect invalid WHMCS URL
- Detect incorrect API credentials
- Detect caching plugins
- Detecting disabled permalinks in WordPress
- Checking for CORS requirements
- Checking if lost password rewrite has been added
- API Credentials are now obfuscated when stored in WP
- NOTE: You will need to re-enter your API credentials and "Save Settings" after this update.
- New option to choose how often the bridge syncs users
- Included cron option to sync via your hosting plans cron instead of in the background while WordPress pages are loading - improves speed and stability.
- Friendlier errors when HTTP errors are encountered
- Fixing redirect function on mobi skin (six)
- Support WHMCS installations on non standard ports
IMPORTANT NOTE FOR Pro USERS: Our main release channel via WordPress updates uses IonCube 10.2 for PHP 7.2, if you are not running PHP 7.2 please follow the instructions at: https://i-plugins.com/whmcs-bridge/knowledgebase/1097/IonCube-Errors.html/